Themes in Factchecking Articles
This interactive dashboard displays the themes in fact-checking articles we scraped from IFCN-certified websites in the selected week. Articles are grouped into thematic clusters based on their headlines, using an algorithm called GSDMM (read more below). The clusters are left unnamed to allow for flexible interpretation. Selecting a week shows thematic clusters for the week. Clicking on a circle in that week will show the fact checking articles grouped in it and most prominent words in those articles. You can also hover over the words in the graphs which will highlight all the clusters the word features in. This allows for building some connections across themes. Number of Articles - 162Thematic Cluster Map2D representation of mathematical 'distances' between the clusters
Top-10 Words in cluster
Articles in this Cluster
Clicking on a cluster will show articles linked to this License
Contains information from Tattle Fact Checking Sites Database, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL). All the visualizations here are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.